It's not what you think it might be...
C.S.I. stands for Cookie Site-sale Investigators.
The C.S.I. crew is made up of Girl Scouts who volunteer to help other sister Girl Scouts with site sales. They will be looking for site sales throughout the council every weekend until March 20. If you have an excellent site sale you will be C.S.I. approved, you'll get a C.S.I. t-shirt and stickers.
You won't know if or when C.S.I. will visit your site sale so make sure you're prepared. Keep your pocket guide with you so you'll be ready to answer questions such as:
1. Why are Caramel deLites sometimes called Samoas?
2. What's the number one selling cookie?
3. What's your goal?
Also, C.S.I. will help girls learn and practice the five skills of the Girl Scout Cookie program, which are:
1. Goal Setting
2. Decision Making
3. Money Management
4. People Skills
5. Business Ethics
If you want more help to prepare for your site sales and the C.S.I. crew use the tools below: